I’ve wanted to make a list of my favorite games to play when I am feeling anxious. I’m lucky that my anxiety doesn’t ride me all the time, but when I’m in the red zone, I try to avoid the games that get my blood pumping. This can take a couple of weeks at times and so while I love blood pumping, heart wrenching action, I sometimes need a good game that helps when I need peace and quiet in my heart and soul.
So, here’s the list of games I play when I’m feeling anxious. The games that don’t aggravate my anxiety and help me keep my mind level and calm.
5. Pokemon Snap
During one of my anxiety periods, I picked figured I’d test Pokemon Snap. I never expected to like it as much as I did. I’ve never been much for Pokemon, but there was something about the idea of taking photographs of the creatures that caught my attention and I’m glad it did. The game is easy-going and quite interesting. Ironically enough, it’s not the best photo mode in games I’ve experienced. I enjoyed the photo mode in Death Stranding much more, but it kept me interested and I enjoyed going back to the beautiful environments to get “better” photos. It kept my mind occupied while it didn’t aggravate me at all. It’s quite a treat. The fact that it’s not the quality of the photos that matter but some Pokemon-ish aspect is all the better and takes all pressure off.
4. Unravel
I played Unravel and Unravel II with my kid and we both enjoyed the games a lot. There is something very soothing about playing a puzzle game with someone you like and it does wonders for an anxious mind, at least mine. The games are beautiful, the puzzles are interesting and the story is told in a fascinating way. Couch co-oping this game with someone calm is sweet and completely kept my mind off other things.
3. Stardew Valley
It’s so easy to fall in love with Stardew Valley. It’s a farming game, but so much more and though there is some combat in it, it’s easy to leave and do something else if you feel it’s pushing your buttons. The game is pretty, and it’s easy to pick up, easy to get addicted to. And you can even play it on your phone now. It’s a really well done pixilated game with charisma and a lot of peaceful game play.
If you already played Stardew Valley and would like something a little more macabre, but similar I can recommend The Graveyard Keeper that’s much the same concept with some eery elements of the macabre and I suspect it’s as easy going as Stardew Valley though I haven’t finished it so I can’t make any promises.
2. The Sims 4
There are a few things that calm me more than building houses in The Sims 4. I love everything about the building options in this game. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your knowledge of the game and your imagination. It’s a rabbit hole to fall into and the in-game building music adds to the soothing atmosphere. The only thing that might get the anxiety raging is the price of the game if you want all the packs, with all the items available. But fear not, there are a myriad of gamers out there that make free CC for the game, beautiful objects you can incorporate. And when you’re done building a house, a restaurant or a cathedral you may just decide to play the game and see your sims-self get married or run a diner.
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizon
I guess it’s no surprise that Animal Crossing: New Horizon is at the top of this list. It arrived perfectly at the start of the pandemic and I still play this game when I feel anxious. The daily tasks, making your island just the way you want them, fishing, talking to your villagers, deciding what villagers you want on your island - and now building houses for your favorite villagers? It’s the perfect anti-stress game. Absolutely adorable and easy to pick up and play for a little while when your mind is spinning. It has helped me soothe my mind on many occasions and there are a few things I enjoy more than hunting for my favorite villager.